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Pubblicazioni trovate: 87
- 1. Antonio Iera, Sergio Polito, Giuseppe Ruggeri, "802.11 based Wireless-LAN and UMTS interworking: requirements, proposed solutions and open issues", Journal on Computer Networks special Issue on Wireless IP Through Integration of Wireless LAN and Cellular Networks, Vol. 47/2, Feb. 2005, pag. 151-166, Elsevier, 2005.
- 2. Francesco Amato, Carlo Cosentino, Antonino Moro, "A Direct/Functional Redundancy Scheme for Fault Detection and Isolation on an Aircraft", Aerospace Science and Technology, pag. 338-345, Elsevier Science, Maggio 2006.
- 3. Lorenzo Crocco, Fabrizio Cuomo, Tommaso Isernia, "A generalized scattering matrix method for the analysis of two-dimensional PBG devices", Journal of the Optical Society of America part A (JOSA_A), Ottobre 2007.
- 4. Francisco Ares-pena, Ovidio Bucci, Michele D'urso, Xavier Fondevila-gomez, Tommaso Isernia, Antonio Rodriguez, "A hybrid approach for the optimal synthesis of pencil beams through array antennas", IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, pag. 2912-2918, Novembre 2004.
- 5. Antonio Iera, Salvatore Marano, Antonella Molinaro, "A Layered Protocol Architecture for Multimedia Wireless-PCS Systems", ACM MONET Mobile Networks and Applications Journal, special Issue on Mobile Multimedia Communications, vol. 3, 1998, pag. 73-87, 1998.
- 6. Giuseppe Araniti, Guido Ascioti, Antonio Iera, Antonella Molinaro, "A Middleware for Multimedia Adaptative_QoS Guarantee in “Any” Network Environment", IEEE 3Gwireless - Third Generation Wireless and Beyond, San Francisco, USA, 28-31 May 2002.
- 7. Roberto Beraldi, Antonio Iera, "A Modified Fast Buffer Reservation Algorithm (M-FBR) for Congestion Control in ATM Networks", ETT European Transactions on Telecommunications, vol. 9, n. 3, May/June 1998, pag. 229-236, 1998.
- 8. Pasquale De Meo, Antonio Iera, Domenico Ursino, "A Multi-Agent System for managing the Quality of Service intelecommunications networks", Journal of Systems Science and Systems Engineering, Volume 14, Number 2 / June, 2005, Springer-Verlag GmbH, 2005.
- 9. Lorenzo Crocco, Michele D'urso, Tommaso Isernia, Ilaria Catapano, "A new effective model for solving 3D inverse scattering problems in lossy media", IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, pag. 302-306, Luglio 2006.
- 10. Giuseppe Araniti, Antonio Iera, Antonella Molinaro, "A Power Based Algorithm for Efficient Radio Resource Management Policy in Integrated Terrestrial/HAP MBMS Systems", IEEE GLOBECOM 2008 - Global Telecommunications Conference, New Orleans, LA, USA, 30 Nov-4De 2008.
- 11. Giuseppe Araniti, Antonio Iera, Antonella Molinaro, Salvatore Pulitanò, "A Radio Resource Management Strategy for UMTS WCDMA Downlink Shared Channel", IEEE 3Gwireless - Third Generation Wireless and Beyond, San Francisco, USA, May 2003.
- 12. Floriano De Rango, Salvatore Marano, Antonella Molinaro, Mauro Tropea, "A Scalable Framework for End-to-End QoS Assurance in IP-Oriented Terrestrial-GEO Satellite Networks", IEEE Communications Magazine, Aprile 2005.
- 13. Ovidio Bucci, Michele D'urso, Tommaso Isernia, "A simple idea for an effective sub-arraying of large planar arrays", IEEE Antennas and wireless Propagation Letters, 2008.
- 14. Ilaria Catapano, Lorenzo Crocco, Tommaso Isernia, "A simple two-dimensional inversion technique for imaging homogeneous targets in a stratified media", Radio Science, 2004.
- 15. Giuseppe Araniti, Fabio Calarco, Antonio Iera, Antonella Molinaro, Benedetto Orlandi, "Active Handoff in DVB-H Systems with UMTS Return Channels", WPMC 2007 - 10th International Symposium on Wireless Personal Multimedia Communications, Jaipur, India, 03-06 Dec. 2007.
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